How to Call Albania from India | Albania ISD Code | International Roaming Plan in Albania

Albania ISD Calling code is +355

Albanian flag consists of a red leaf where a black double-headed eagle is depicted. The flag was adopted in 1912, when Albania gained independence from the Ottoman Empire. The origin of the flag is associated with a national hero Skanderbeger (formerly George Kastrioti), who lived in the fifteenth century and who was a general of the Turkish army. However, Skanderbeger left the army so that he can return to Albania and erect the flag with double-headed egle above the castle of his father in Kruje with words: “I did not bring you freedom. I found it here, among you.” After his return to Albania, Skanderbeger managed to unify Albania and defend it against the Turkish attacks.

Main information

Country Albania
Capital city Tirana
Population 2,821,977 (2011)
Total area 28,748 km2
Formation 28. 11. 1912
Highest point Golem Korab (Maja e Korabit) (2,764 m)
GDP $ 7,997 (IMF, 2012)
Currency albanian lek (ALL)
Code AF (AFG)
ISD Calling code +355
How to Dial Please Add 00 or + as Prefix to these Codes
Internet TLD .al

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